We know that finding the best talent is both difficult and critical to the long-term success of your college. An Unlimited Package is the easiest, most cost-effective way to recruit the best talent in higher education. Our platform programmatically provides multiple ways to tap into our 2.5+ million unique monthly readers. With our contextual job cards at the bottom of the news and newsletter highlights, you are sure to capture the attention of both active and passive job seekers.
Are you afraid it will be too expensive? Talk with our team to get an estimate. We offer efficient pricing based on enrollment and institution type, including special pricing for community colleges. If you post more than five openings in a given year, frequently, our Unlimited Packages become a competitive alternative. Fill out the form on the right to learn to get started.
Unlimited Packages optimize budgets and help teams meet many recruiting objectives, including:
Satisfies U.S. Department of Labor reporting requirements
Improves the quality of hires
Diversifies the candidate pipeline
Lowers the cost-per-hire
Streamlines the recruiting process
Optimizes job description with A/B testing
Builds a successful talent pipeline
With Unlimited Packages, our clients enjoy the following benefits:
Unlimited job listings for an entire year
Automatically posts positions from your site -- no additional costs, no matter your ATS
Postings on Inside Higher Ed Careers
Listings emailed to relevant candidates via job alerts
Postings include a logo with each listing
Contextual job cards at the bottom of the news
Listings are highlighted in newsletters
Posts for 60 days
Get Started! Tell us about your recruiting efforts. Our team will use this information to create a custom solution for you — pricing based on enrollment and institution type, including special pricing for community colleges.
After signing the contract, we will connect our system to your ATS so that your job postings automatically post on Inside Higher Ed and our partner sites. Once you create an account, you will have access to our database of resumes. If you add our diversity network to your program, we will also send your openings to those partners.
To get started, simply complete the form above, call our team at 1-202-659-9208 or email us at recruit@insidehighered.com. Please provide us with your contact information, your institution’s name and student enrollment (if applicable). We look forward to hearing from you and helping you advance your recruitment goals.
Diversity Unlimited
Target key audiences
Includes standard job listing benefits, plus
Listings automatically sent to 20 career diversity network websites
Single, annual cost built into the renewal
Your job listing will be posted for 60 days
Diversity Focus Search
Build awareness for your brand with target audiences
Includes standard job listing benefits, plus:
Receives 44% more applications than a standard job listing
Automatically sent to 20 career diversity network websites
Showcases in the Diversity Insider email, reaching +32,000 recipients
Shown along with news articles with a diversity focus and diversity focuses promotion in search results
Posts for 60 days
Single, annual cost built into the renewal
Executive Search
Maximize your impact
Includes standard job listing benefits, plus:
Increases engagement 110% compared to standard job listings
Featured on the Inside Higher Ed Careers homepage
Showcased in the Daily News Update email, reaching + 238,000 recipients, including faculty & administrators, every day
Job listing will be posted for 90 days — 50% longer than our other posting
Attracting and retaining distinguished employees often starts months, if not years, before they even apply. It begins the first time they get to know your institution through an ad, event, article, social media post or other media outlet and continues over time.
As such, institutions need to invest in employer branding campaigns. Proactive messaging tells the stories and unique highlights that will attract applicants who want to work for your particular institution, not just any institution. Our team can help your institution share what makes it special and showcase these highlights to key audiences. Together, we can help you create a hiring pipeline that will improve your finalist to new hire conversion rates and build a team of engaged employees.